If we look at the different people in the world around us, we observe that all of us are not simply alike. The average person is a statistical abstraction that doesn’t exist. Each one of us is different in many ways, both physically and mentally.

We must understand our nature for our own happiness and well-being in life. The food that is good for one person may not be good for another. Similarly, the psychological conditions favorable for one person may not suit another. Without understanding our particular constitution, we must fall into poor health and disease.

Ayurveda contains a well-developed science of individual types as its core wisdom. Three major constitutional types exist in Ayurveda. These are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha in Sanskrit, which correspond to the three great elements of air, fire and water. Each one of us possesses all three biological humors. However, their proportion varies and one humor will usually predominate and make its characteristics mark upon our disposition.

In the following the typical psychological profiles for the three types are discribed. For the physical profiles see the image of the constitution chart.

Vata (Air Types)
Vata types are quick and agile in their minds with changing interests. They are talkative and intellectual and can understand many points of view. Their minds can wander out of control and while they may have some knowledge of many things, they can lack deep knowledge of a particular subject. They lack determination, consistency and self-confidence and often have negative images of themselves.
Vatas suffer most from fear, which is their first reaction to anything new or strange. They suffer quickly from overwork and tend to overextend themselves in whatever they do.
Air types make good teachers, computer programmers and excel at communication. Generally they are creative and most artists are of this type. They can be highly sociably, are most flexible, adaptable, and able to change once they understand what they need to do.

Pitta (Fire Types)
Pitta types are intelligent, perceptive, and discriminating. They have sharp minds and see the world in a clear and systematic manner. Yet because their are sharp they may be judgemental or self-righteous.
They are prone to anger which is their main reaction to new events and tend to be domineering or aggressive. They have strong wills and their determination serves them if directed to a proper goal.
Pittas make good scientists and often have a good understanding of mechanics and mathematics. They have deep insight and are good at research, invention, or as police officers. Most lawyers with their sharp mind and debating skills, are of this type.
Pitta types may lack compassion and have a hard time seeing other points of view.

Kapha (Water Types)
Kapha types are emotional in temperament and have much love, devotion and loyalty. But they have much desire, attachment and may be possessive or greedy. They are romantic, sentimantal and cry easily.
Mentally they are slower in learning than the other types but retain what they learn. They are not creative or inventive but do carry things out and make them useful. Water types are traditional in their beliefs and find change difficult. They like to belong, the be part of a group, and seldom rebel, yet they have have difficulties relationg to strangers. They are content and accept things as they are.
Kaphas are good parents, chefs, singers, real estate agents and make good bankers. Once motivated they can be consistent and hold on to all that they get.

Note which humor you check the most, this will usually indicate your constitution. Also remember that even when you fall clearly into one category, you will have your unique characteristics. These types are a basis for more specific treatment and should not be turned into stereotypes.

This post is a small summarization of Dr. Frawley’s book about the psychology of Ayurveda. Within the next weeks there will be more blog posts about this topic.

source: Frawley, D. (2011). Ayurveda and the Mind. The Healing of Consciousness. Lotus Press.

I introduce myself

Psychologische Onlineberatung Psychotherapie

My name is Carolin Müller, I am a Psychologist (M.Sc.), Buddhist Therapist and Onlinepsychologist. With my clients I talk via VideoCall about depression, worries, anxieties and lack of self-esteem.

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