Online psychological counseling for Depression

If you are currently experiencing sadness, lack of energy, decreased drive or a general dissatisfaction and depression, it could be that you are in a phase of depression. We all go through phases in which we are in a negative mood and in which we do not have much energy. That’s just very human. But if you notice that your feelings are at this level for too long, it’s a good idea to talk to a professional.

In my online practice, I often deal with the topic of depression. Online psychological counseling is well suited to this topic and can produce good and lasting results. Depression must be taken very seriously. Left untreated, it can undermine your life and have a negative impact on your health, work, family, relationships and much more.

By mistake, many people believe that depression can heal itself over time. The opposite is the case. Although depression occurs in episodes, i.e. there are always good and bad phases, but the longer you are in this hamster wheel, the stronger the impact of depression on your life. Unworthy thinking and behavior patterns harden and over time depression becomes stronger. Isolation and loneliness lead to feelings of guilt, low self-esteem, worrying thought and despair.

Depressionen in der psychologischen Beratung online

Es ist eine gute Entscheidung, den ersten Schritt zu tun
und Zeit und Energie in eine allmähliche aber heilsame Veränderung zu investieren.

Depression and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy was originally developed to treat depression and is still considered one of the most effective methods of treating depression

In recent years I have been able to achieve good results for many clients with the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy. After the free introductory talk, and if we both decide to work together, we will almost instantly deal with your cognitive patterns:

What are the problems you have?
Why do you think they are problems?
What are your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes about them?

Then we look at your emotions and behavior towards yourself and others. Together, we will work to raise awareness about your cognitive patterns, disintegrate unhealthy thought patterns, and sow seeds for new, healthy ones. Your feelings and behavior will change. You will find that the dark ages are already behind you. Now is the time to take control, be confident, enjoy the present, and work on a bright future.

Depression and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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    Die Meinung meiner Klienten

    Ich nehme meine berufliche Schweigepflicht sowie den Datenschutz sehr ernst. Zum Schutz der Privatsphäre wurden die angegebenen Namen geändert.

    Frau Müller ist sehr flexibel und unglaublich engagiert. Sie ist auf meine Problemfelder eingegangen und hat diese vorab gut hinterfragt, so dass ich mich sehr verstanden gefühlt habe. Sehr hilfreich waren für mich die Aufgaben, welche Sie mir stellte und die ich zwischen den Sitzungen machte. Ich habe mich wirklich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt und kann Frau Müller absolut weiter empfehlen.

    Beate K.

    Frau Müller hat mir mit Ihrer frischen, menschlichen und sympathischen Art, in kurzer Zeit mit gezielten Fragen eine neue Sichtweise meiner Probleme eröffnet. Die Gespräche waren spannend und haben mir rasch sehr geholfen das Wesentliche zu sehen und mich neu zu formieren. Ich bin Frau Müller sehr dankbar, dass sie mir geholfen hat wieder Lebensfreude und Lebensmut in mir zu finden.

    Rana A.

    Vielen lieben Dank für die tolle und empathische Unterstützung! Unsere Zusammenarbeit hat längst vergessen geglaubte Ressourcen in mir freigelegt und das ermöglicht mir gerade sehr viele wundervolle Erfahrungen.Sie haben ein gutes Gespür dafür bewiesen, mich selbst meine eigenen blinden Flecke betrachten zu lassen und mir genug Raum für meine Lösungen gegeben.

    Marko B.

    Vielen Dank dass Sie mir mit meiner Beziehung geholfen haben. Ich habe Klarheit und Selbstvertrauen gewonnen und kann nun besser ausdrücken, was ich brauche. Beziehungen verändern sich ständig, aber ich verstehe nun, dass ich ebenso in der Lage bin die Zügel in die Hand zu nehmen und die Richtung zu beeinflussen. Die Sitzungen waren sehr angenehm und ich hatte genügend Zeit um meine Gedanken zu ordnen.

    Michael M.
    Depression, mindfulness and Buddhist psychology

    Depression, mindfulness and Buddhist psychology

    One of the first steps in psychological counseling is to calm the mind, focus on the breath, feel your body, and relax your inner tension.

    Mindfulness and Buddhist psychology provide highly relevant and effective ways to cure depression. If you notice that your mind is constantly talking to you, pondering and you are unable to focus on positive events, then I will begin by showing you simple relaxation techniques that calm the mind. It makes it easier to think about the present moment and focus on the positive things instead of the negative aspects of your life.

    If we use Buddhist psychology, I ask you to think about questions like these:

    What is the difference between you and your feelings?
    What are your expectations for a life in which everything changes constantly?
    Are your perceptions of a situation really the reality?
    What does the situation look like from the perspective of another person?

    In my online practice, I often combine elements from Western psychology and Buddhist psychology. This approach allows us to find and work on the deep roots of your depression. With Buddhist psychology we can examine your view of your birth, your life and your death. Remembering that you are a manifestation of the universe and that your suffering is shared by countless other beings will help you to develop resilience, insight, wisdom and a higher level of spirituality and joy.

    Do not hesitate to write to me today. Let us arrange a free introductory talk so that I can get to know your personal situation and you can check if I am the right psychologist for you. We can work together to set short-term goals and you can start improving your life today.



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      Onlinepsychologin Carolin Muller

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