Online Psychological Counseling for Low Self-Esteem

Many of the clients in online psychological counseling experience themselves as not self-confident, doubting their ability and sometimes their value as a person. Low self-esteem can easily undermine your quality of life. If the negative thoughts you have about yourself do not change, low self-esteem can lead to anxiety disorders or depression.

If you have repeated negative opinions about yourself, you seriously undermine your potential and reduce your chances of a successful and healthy life. If a low self-esteem is left without therapy, it can negatively affect important aspects of your life so that you can not find the way out on your own. This especially concerns your intimate relationships, friendships, sexuality, work and much more.

The causes of low self-esteem are very diverse but are very common in childhood or in the early stages of adult life.
If, as a young person, you feel that your parents, teachers, or classmates denigrate you and vilify your self-esteem, then it is possible that at that time you started to develop an unhealthy opinion about yourself.
Other causes of low self-esteem and self-esteem may include trauma (violence, sexual abuse…), drug addiction, body image disorder, and many other factors that we can work together on.

Depressionen in der psychologischen Beratung online

It is a good decision to take the first step
and invest time and energy in a gradual but salutary change.

Low Self-Esteem and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Low self-esteem is invisible in the early years. It is still developing. And over time, a whole set of beliefs is built up that is compounded by the failures experienced during life: relationship issues, school failure, work, and more.

When these failures take place, they often amplify the bad belief patterns you already have, and you become more deeply involved in your low self-esteem. It is a vicious circle of self-contempt and can sometimes even go as far as self-hatred.

With Cognitive Behavioral-Therapy we will together identify your negative thought patterns (for example, your Inner Critics) and we will reprogram them to break the vicious cycle in which you find yourself.

Online Therapy for Low Self-Esteem and depression

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    Die Meinung meiner Klienten

    Ich nehme meine berufliche Schweigepflicht sowie den Datenschutz sehr ernst. Zum Schutz der Privatsphäre wurden die angegebenen Namen geändert.

    Frau Müller ist sehr flexibel und unglaublich engagiert. Sie ist auf meine Problemfelder eingegangen und hat diese vorab gut hinterfragt, so dass ich mich sehr verstanden gefühlt habe. Sehr hilfreich waren für mich die Aufgaben, welche Sie mir stellte und die ich zwischen den Sitzungen machte. Ich habe mich wirklich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt und kann Frau Müller absolut weiter empfehlen.

    Beate K.

    Frau Müller hat mir mit Ihrer frischen, menschlichen und sympathischen Art, in kurzer Zeit mit gezielten Fragen eine neue Sichtweise meiner Probleme eröffnet. Die Gespräche waren spannend und haben mir rasch sehr geholfen das Wesentliche zu sehen und mich neu zu formieren. Ich bin Frau Müller sehr dankbar, dass sie mir geholfen hat wieder Lebensfreude und Lebensmut in mir zu finden.

    Rana A.

    Vielen lieben Dank für die tolle und empathische Unterstützung! Unsere Zusammenarbeit hat längst vergessen geglaubte Ressourcen in mir freigelegt und das ermöglicht mir gerade sehr viele wundervolle Erfahrungen.Sie haben ein gutes Gespür dafür bewiesen, mich selbst meine eigenen blinden Flecke betrachten zu lassen und mir genug Raum für meine Lösungen gegeben.

    Marko B.

    Vielen Dank dass Sie mir mit meiner Beziehung geholfen haben. Ich habe Klarheit und Selbstvertrauen gewonnen und kann nun besser ausdrücken, was ich brauche. Beziehungen verändern sich ständig, aber ich verstehe nun, dass ich ebenso in der Lage bin die Zügel in die Hand zu nehmen und die Richtung zu beeinflussen. Die Sitzungen waren sehr angenehm und ich hatte genügend Zeit um meine Gedanken zu ordnen.

    Michael M.
    Buddhist online therapy for low self-esteem

    Low Self-Esteem and Buddhist Psychology

    In my work as an online psychologist, I also like to use methods of Buddhist psychotherapy. To work on low self-esteem, I will first start by helping you to relax and bring peace to your mind. This step is crucial in enabling you to change your thinking patterns.
    An essential goal of Buddhist psychotherapy is to look at your view of the world.
    What if your opinion about reality is completely wrong?
    How can you be sure that your judgments about yourself and others are true?

    Ignorance is considered one of the greatest causes of our suffering in the teachings of Buddhism. According to these teachings, they are ignorant of the nature of reality and we confuse our thoughts and opinions with the reality of things. You also believe that what you think is true, right?

    I will help you break through your old habits and develop new patterns of thinking in which the word failure is just synonymous with opportunity – opportunity to learn and improve yourself. Together we will work to help you to take life less seriously. You will understand that the concepts of failure and success are socially constructed concepts that you do not have to submit to.

    Low self-esteem that goes as far as self-hatred is a problem that you need to address quickly before it negatively affects too many areas of your life. Please do not hesitate to contact me and we can arrange an appointment for a free and non-binding first session.
    I would be happy to help you improve your quality of life until you realize that a radical change is really possible.



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      Onlinepsychologin Carolin Muller

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