Online psychological counseling for stress and burnout

Stress is unfortunately the evil of the century and a major public health problem. Above all, work-related stress is widespread. But stress can be associated with everything: relationship, family issues, parenting, financial worries, general anxiety, and more. Because of its particularly insidious character, it takes quite a while to notice your own stress. During online psychological counseling it happens very often that I ask my clients “Do you have stress?” And then I get the answer “Oh no, I’m not stressed at all!” Is that possible in our world today?

Only when psychosomatic symptoms occur, stress can be recognized as the main cause: back pain, tense muscles, sleep problems, low energy, upset stomach, loss of sexual desire, etc. Psychological symptoms and behavioral changes can u.a. Irritability, overwork, concentration problems, worry, brooding, avoidance, disorganization and increased consumption of alcohol or drugs.

Stress is hard to define. It is a natural reaction of the body, it can help us react appropriately and sometimes we can even enjoy stress. It is long-term negative stress that can become unhealthy for the body and soul. Especially if you ignore stress, it can lead to anxiety disorders, cardiovascular problems, and finally to depression and burnout.

Burnout is directly related to chronic stress. The signs of burnout are manifold. Burnout can be very subtle and insidious until one day you can not work at all anymore. Look for early symptoms: fatigue, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, depression, anger, pessimism, isolation, loss of appetite… It’s a vicious circle you can escape.

Depressionen in der psychologischen Beratung online

Stress is not something that happens to us.
It is our reaction to what happens. And we can choose our reaction.

Burnout and Stress in Cognitive Behavior Therapy

With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, I inquire about your perceptions (your thoughts, your understanding, your opinions, etc.) about your situation and environment, such as your job, family, relationship, etc.

Often people with stress have an unrealistic perception of their situation and might think, for example, that they must always perform at their best or never make a mistake. Many believe that if they change their habits, their world would collapse. If we look at these ideas realistically, many of my clients find they have exaggerated and had unjustified fears. We will have to identify these thoughts together and work on them to change them, to develop new thoughts and to build new habits.

Burnout, stress, mindfulness and Buddhism

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    Die Meinung meiner Klienten

    Ich nehme meine berufliche Schweigepflicht sowie den Datenschutz sehr ernst. Zum Schutz der Privatsphäre wurden die angegebenen Namen geändert.

    Frau Müller ist sehr flexibel und unglaublich engagiert. Sie ist auf meine Problemfelder eingegangen und hat diese vorab gut hinterfragt, so dass ich mich sehr verstanden gefühlt habe. Sehr hilfreich waren für mich die Aufgaben, welche Sie mir stellte und die ich zwischen den Sitzungen machte. Ich habe mich wirklich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt und kann Frau Müller absolut weiter empfehlen.

    Beate K.

    Frau Müller hat mir mit Ihrer frischen, menschlichen und sympathischen Art, in kurzer Zeit mit gezielten Fragen eine neue Sichtweise meiner Probleme eröffnet. Die Gespräche waren spannend und haben mir rasch sehr geholfen das Wesentliche zu sehen und mich neu zu formieren. Ich bin Frau Müller sehr dankbar, dass sie mir geholfen hat wieder Lebensfreude und Lebensmut in mir zu finden.

    Rana A.

    Vielen lieben Dank für die tolle und empathische Unterstützung! Unsere Zusammenarbeit hat längst vergessen geglaubte Ressourcen in mir freigelegt und das ermöglicht mir gerade sehr viele wundervolle Erfahrungen.Sie haben ein gutes Gespür dafür bewiesen, mich selbst meine eigenen blinden Flecke betrachten zu lassen und mir genug Raum für meine Lösungen gegeben.

    Marko B.

    Vielen Dank dass Sie mir mit meiner Beziehung geholfen haben. Ich habe Klarheit und Selbstvertrauen gewonnen und kann nun besser ausdrücken, was ich brauche. Beziehungen verändern sich ständig, aber ich verstehe nun, dass ich ebenso in der Lage bin die Zügel in die Hand zu nehmen und die Richtung zu beeinflussen. Die Sitzungen waren sehr angenehm und ich hatte genügend Zeit um meine Gedanken zu ordnen.

    Michael M.
    Stress and burnout in psychological counseling

    Burnout, stress and Buddhist psychology

    Traditional Buddhist techniques are obviously one of the best antidotes to stress because they focus on the breath, the flow of our thoughts, and the posture of our body. They lead us into the here and now.

    Meditation techniques are one of the best remedies for stress. Especially if you suffer from long-term stress, relaxation and meditation techniques are perfect for you and improve your life very quickly if you can implement them regularly.

    Once your mind calms down and you have learned to clearly observe your breath and your thoughts, we will begin to discuss together this ultimately important question: What is important in your life? What are your priorities?

    With the tools of Buddhist psychology and mindfulness therapy, I will help you identify your priorities and focus more on the things that are most important to you and bring you more lasting happiness and satisfaction.



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      Onlinepsychologin Carolin Muller

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