Invest in your soul

It does happen to everybody to feel a down sometimes. Life is more and more quickly changing and stressful, and we feel more and more pressure within work, social duties, families, etc. But what if you have a psychological [...]

By |2018-05-26T16:27:40+01:00March 7th, 2016|Mindfulness|

Dealing with negative emotions

Nobody experiences a constant high in emotions. There is only 1 kind of people who don't experience painful emotions like anger, sadness, anxieties, fear, envy etc. - dead people. However in our society we don't give each other the [...]

By |2018-05-28T06:47:03+01:00October 18th, 2015|Mindfulness|

Is depression inheritable?

Depression is one among the most common psychological problems of our times. The probability to develop a mayor depression within your life time is up to 18%! The World Health Organization counts it to the fourth [...]

By |2018-05-28T11:56:35+01:00October 2nd, 2015|Knowledge|
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